Working Spark Theatre



About the story:

“Whether Orlando was a man or woman, it was difficult to say.”
–  Orlando, A Biography.

Written in 1927 by Virginia Woolf, the novel Orlando, A Biography is part fantasy, part satire, part inquiry into the nature of gender—and at its heart, the story of a person in search of their true identity.

Ahead of its time, Woolf’s novel is a sprawling, comic epic that spans four centuries, two continents, and dozens of characters, some historical (Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I, Alexander Pope), and some fictional, all of whom help Orlando on his/her search for identity.

Our December 2018 workshop and reading was made possible by the generous support of the City of Vancouver.

Special thank you to Stacey Menzies, Claire Sakaki and the Bard on the Beach Shakespeare Festival.
Thank you to Alison Maddaugh for designing our Orlando image.
Thank you also the rEvolver Festival, who presented a reading of an earlier version of the play in May 2017.